About Me

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I believe there are only two types of people in the world - the watchers and the doers. Oh, and those that think they are one, but are really the other.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wading Through

The recording sessions for the new album Jungle Life are proving to be an absolute torture for the soul. I know how I want all the songs to sound, but cannot seem to find the confidence to pull it off.

After discarding an entire album's worth of songs already, I am finally happier with the list, yet nothing can disguise the disappointment I feel upon listening to my efforts so far.

I hate what I'm wading through.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Light

It is the beginning of 2012 and time to get busy.

Have started practising new and old songs, so that I can get a few gigs and festivals under my belt this year. Production of the new album has stalled a little, but new songs are still coming in fast and furious.

I seem to find that the older I get, the more active my mind seems to be. My never-ending quest for knowledge has made me think about restarting Open University study, finance permitting.

Yes, a new year and a new light has entered my life. A beacon of passion for truth, progress and artistic satisfaction.